Sunday, March 24, 2013

Taking one point perspective to the wall - grade 5

Grade 1 - clay pinch pot

Kindergarten - clay medallions

Grade 3 -O'Keefe

Grade 3 studied the artwork of Georgia O'Keefe.  Specifically her work with flowers.  Students were challenged to 'blow up' their flowers and make them 'fall off the page'.
They used watercolor techniques to apply color to their flowers.
Simply beautiful!

Grade 5 - One point perspective

Grade 2 - Still Life

Still life paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh.  
Students studied Van Gogh's use of broken brush strokes and half mixed colors inspired by the Impressionism movement in art.  Students learned to draw things as they see them, still life drawing.  Students learned to use painting techniques to create a beautiful work of art!
Great work by our 2nd grade artists!!!

Grade 4 - 2D to 3D

Two Dimensional
Three dimensional

Pattern, line and color.

Grade 1 - Miro Aliens

Students use organic shapes, several line styles and lots of color to create abstract creatures inspired by the artwork  of Joan Miro

More 2013 Teachers' Choice

Cole - Grade 1

Braxton - Kindergarten

Enjoyed seeing everyone that could make it out.  Thank you for supporting our school, the arts and most importantly, our children.

Richmond Drive has some awesome artists!


2013 Teachers' Choice Awards
Arts Council of York County

 Jacob - Grade 5

Emily - Grade 4

Anthony - Grade 3

Travis - Grade 2